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Training ...
jamieford [Ask-Legal-Accounting] 11:38 20/02/19 | Comments: 1
If it would be beneficial for me to attend EMC training for the specific market I am currently contracting in, would it be acceptable from any IR35 point of view for either:
should I be an employee?
mrm76 [Ask-Legal-Accounting] 12:20 07/01/19
I have worked as an accounts clerk for some six years. However, I was never been given a written contract. When I complained, I was told that I was employed on a self-employed, causal basis and only called in when needed, so no written contract is needed. I get no holiday pay or sick pay and I pay my own tax and national insurance. I have been told that I can hire a substitute to do my work, but I never did so. I have no other employment. Recently, I had an argument with my boss and I want to know my rights. I'm in the UK. Thanks
MVD Approved Software
bannisterfletcher [Ask-Legal-Accounting] 09:44 05/09/18
Where can I get MVD approved software.
Mileage Claim Query
flawless101 [Ask-Legal-Accounting] 18:56 03/07/18 | Comments: 1
I have a query regarding mileage claims when working across two client sites.
University Tuition fees
n42 [Ask-Legal-Accounting] 10:51 01/05/18
Can university course fees by classed as expenses ?
Further to my GDPR question...
jamieford [Ask-Legal-Accounting] 11:29 04/04/18 | Comments: 1
We are really struggling with where to start; we are a two person LTD company in the business of Electronic Design Consultancy. We tend to work for one or two clients at once and are not in the business of collecting or sharing personal data.
Professional Indemnity Insurance
steelej [Ask-Legal-Accounting] 11:22 21/03/18
I finished my final contract in December and am now intending to close my limited company at the end of April. I have decided that it is time to retire (age almost 75)!
GDPR Obligations
jamieford [Ask-Legal-Accounting] 11:21 21/03/18
Hi, as a small two person business I am unsure how GDPR affect us...
Itinerant trader travel expenses
Vic25 [Ask-Legal-Accounting] 14:49 02/03/18 | Comments: 1
Query about whether I am could be considered an itinerant trader and therefore claim for certain travel expenses.
N21cki [Ask-Legal-Accounting] 11:42 05/01/18 | Comments: 1
Hi I work as a sub contractor for a company I’ve been with them 6years I don’t have any other jobs apart from this one where do I Stand as I’ve been told that I should be employed as I have no other income and don’t get holiday or sick pay
First 10 | Next 10 >
Steve Greenwell - Qdos Consulting

Steve Greenwell
Qdos Consulting

Barry Roback - Privilege Accounts

Barry Roback
Privilege Accounts

Chris Caunce, Caunce O'Hara

Chris Caunce
Caunce O'Hara

Crawford Temple

Crawford Temple

Kate Cottrell - Bauer & Cottrell

Kate Cottrell
Bauer & Cottrell

Andy Vessey - Qdos Consulting

Andy Vessey
Qdos Consulting

Simon Sweetman - Sole Practitioner

Simon Sweetman
Sole practitioner

Rob Crossland - Parasol Group

Rob Crossland
Parasol Group

Also on the panel

Barry Hincks
Qdos Consulting

Roger Sinclair

Andrew Plaskow
Nyman Linden

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