FO35 - Customer Testimonials

A short selection of customer testimonials we have received since the launch of Freelancers Outside IR35 (FO35).

"Excellent, very useful indeed."

"It has been very useful. I have already completed most of the schedules and am about to use the model direct contract. It nice to have something practical that gives guidance on what steps to take."

"FO35 seems very organised and methodical. The decision flowcharts were very useful. Having spent three years dealing with IR35 I would say that anyone planning to be a contractor should have FO35 - it's a must!"

"I have been working abroad so had become out of touch and have found it very useful to bring me up to date on the issues. Well worth the money and would recommend it to anyone."

"I'm still working through it - there's quite a lot, but it seems absolutely cracking - one of the tools we really need!"

"It's really good that everything is in one place. Good value."

"My company has just had a great result. The Revenue maintained that three of six contracts were within IR35. I handed my case over to Andy Vessey at Qudos Consulting who challenged the Revenue and won. Being investigated by the Revenue can be a stress inducing business which can effect core performance but Andy's involvement left me free to fulfill my current contract. I can't praise Qudos enough for their deft handling of my case."

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