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Freelancer briefing:
by Andy White at 20:22 20/05/03 (Shout99)
Copy of the email I have sent to my contacts, encouraging them to take part in the freelancer consultation process on the APPSBG website.
I have been working to help grow the All Party Parliamentary Small Business Group - APPSBG - for the last year. This is now the largest All Party Group in Westminster with some 440 MPs and Peers who have joined up. Shout99 sponsors the website and has helped fund the development work to the Novacaster software which runs the website; to enable the on-line consultation process for the freelancer briefing that started on Monday 19th May 2003. We sent a newsletter to the 38,000 members of the Shout99 network launching this and I copy it below for more information.

The consultation process is unique in several respects

  • Speed: We are attempting to gather evidence over a 30 day period.
  • On-line: We are combining on-line evidence with a public hearing at the House of Commons (June 11th 2003). This allows far greater numbers to take part
  • Transparent: The evidence provided on-line is visible to all.
  • Interactive with MPs: We have developed an automatic system which recognises which constituency a contributor lives in so they can provide evidence direct to their MP. This is currently being piloted with two MPs: Mark Prisk MP and Tony McWalters MP
  • Networked: We have developed a system which allows users from other Novacaster networks to log-in and provide evidence.

Freelancing provided me with the opportunity to build a significant business and I believe freelancing offers significant benefits to the UK economy. Which is why I felt IR35 was wrong 4 years ago. I decided to try and do something about it, but it became clear that the contribution freelancing made to the UK was not recognised by the Government. This was hardly surprising, they were not organised and the very nature of "free" lancing is not to want to be organised!.

The objective of the consultation process is therefore not to moan or complain about specific Government measures, but to try and paint a "big picture":-

That freelancing is important, that it makes a massive, but largely unrecognised contribution, to the the UK economy, that it allows individuals to start out in business - "The freedom to fail and the chance to succeed", that it allows clients to have access to the very best of innovative British talent, better, faster and cheaper than any other comparable resource.

And if we can recognise these benefits, then people will start to realise the damage that measures like IR35 and Section 660 are doing to this key part of the knowledge based economy. And also recognise how freelancing can play a part in driving out costs from the public sector - to help enable and grow other UK and European SMEs - and to ensure we grow a dynamic knowledge based economy and meet the objectives set out in Lisbon by the EU leaders

I would encourage you to consider how you might play a part in this ground breaking exercise. If you are not able to contribute, please consider who in your "network" would be able to make a contribution and forward this email onwards.

Kind regards

Andy White
Shout99 - the network for freelancers
t: 0207 462 7908
w: http://www.shout99.com
e: mailto:andy@shout99.com
s: 83/89 Whitfield Street, London. W1A 4XA

Freelancer Consultation area http://www.smallbusinessgroup.org.uk/index.pl?section=6&n=350

-----Original Message-----
From: shout99
Sent: 19 May 2003 18:04
To: Shout99 Newsletter Subscribers
Subject: Freelancers' political consultation starts

Freelancer consultation
Parliament's largest cross Party political group has started its consultation into freelancing and freelancers - and members of the Shout99 network are invited to take part.

This is an opportunity for freelancers to raise awareness of their role; change attitudes among politicians and others; and make a difference to their operating environment.

Shout99 has being working with the All Party Parliamentary Small Business Group to raise awareness about the benefits freelancers can bring and the threats and opportunities they face.

That has now culminated in a detailed piece of political research by the All Party Group into freelancers. Freelancers can participate by commenting online at the All Party website and some will be invited to the House of Commons on June 11 to put their points directly to the politicians.

The consultation will be in three week-long exercises. The first, which starts today (Monday May 19) focuses on the benefits freelancers can bring to themselves, to clients and to the economy. If you have any examples of how freelancers have 'made a difference', please share your experiences and help to raise awareness and improve understanding of this sector.

Registered users of the Shout99 network can use their Shout99 log in details to enter the All Party Parliamentary Small Business Group website and participate in the consultation.

For more information:
Shout99: Consultation starts for freelancers

All Party Parliamentary Small Business Group - consultation area

****Please forward this newsletter to any other freelancers you know who would be interested in taking advantage of this opportunity to get their voices heard directly and help to shape future attitudes towards freelancing******

Business News
The founder of internet-based recruitment company, Jobserve, had mixed emotions recently. Jobserve's logo will be on the shirts of West Ham next season - but as sponsors in the First Division rather than the Premiership. But as West Ham was going down, Jobserve was going up as it merited its founder a place in the Sunday Times Rich List.

Two Government Ministers have urged small business to prepare for next year when the Disability Discrimination Act is extended to include the smallest business.

The European Commission has adopted a new definition of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises aimed at promoting entrepreneurship, investment and growth in the smaller businesses.

Jobserve's blowing bubbles

Disability Act extends to SMEs

It's all a matter of size in Europe

Section 660
Shout99's panel of experts has agreed the guidance relating to Section 660, the so-called married couple's business tax, and this will shortly be issued as an update to the Freelancers Outside IR35 (FO35) operating system.

It will include a method to calculate your potential exposure from Section 660 and subsequent strategies for dealing with the past, present and future depending on your situation.

Shout99 can confirm that Section 660 is covered as part of this freelancer operating system (FO35).

We can also confirm that for freelancers on cover at the beginning of an Inland Revenue challenge, FO35 will cover the current year and any retrospective challenges which result from it relating to Section 660, IR35, VAT and other tax matters.

Shout99's FO35 is not connected to any other product, nor does it require any pre-qualification such as external contract reviews for acceptance.

It is available on line for £97 plus £7.50 p&p. For more information see:

Freelancers' Services
Shout99 offers a range of products and services tailored specifically to freelancers' requirements.

*Contract reviews* Kevin Miller FCA will conduct an IR35 status review of your contract. It costs £177 + VAT.
To order:

*Mortgages, loans, life assurance* Moneybrain, the UK's leading independent financial service company offers mortgages, loans and life assurances tailored to the needs of limited company contractors. Self certification is available for freelancers.

*Insurance* Professional Indemnity insurance arranged in minutes on-line including backdated cover to your company's start date. No up-front payment. Prices from £165 (IT freelancers) and from £198 (design engineers).

For further information about these and other Freelancer Services.

Ask An Expert
Shout99 has a free 'Ask An Expert' section where accountants, solicitors and consultants supply online answers to questions submitted by freelancers about their businesses. The experts include Kevin Miller FCA from Shout99, Steve Greenwell from Qdos; Barry Roback from JSA; Roger Sinclair, Egos; and Simon Sweetman, an independent tax expert who presented the Section 660 paper at the recent Shout99 seminar.

Recent questions from freelancers cover: a range of Section 660 issues; corporation tax break points; agency contracts; P60s and umbrella companies; spreading profit and loss over a number of years and other questions of relevance to freelancers.

If you want to see the answers or submit your own question to the panel of experts, see 'Ask An Expert'.

Letters from Freelancers
Letters from Freelancers is the section of the site for freelancers to post their own letters and enter into discussion on a range of topics.

Recent subjects include: fast track visas for small companies; outsourcing; public procurement; and plumbers, electricians and computer programmers. If you would like to comment on these letters or make your own views known on a particular subject, see 'Letter from Freelancers'

The Shout99 network is free to join and is the largest and fastest growing network for the freelance/small business sector. Started in 1999 it provides information on threats and opportunities facing the members of the network and has grown by word of mouth. The larger the network the greater the ability to deal with the threats that face us and also the greater the ability to create the most opportunities for the benefit of you and other network members. Therefore, please take a moment to consider who in your network could benefit from the Shout99 network and forward this email to them.

Information on getting your own copy of this free newsletter, changing your subscription or stopping the newsletter:

Susie Hughes
Newsletter 138
Shout99 - the network for freelancers

Andy White © Shout99.com 2003

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Freelancer briefing: Andy White - 20:22 20/05/03
Professional bodies mikew - 09:17 21/05/03
Good point Andy White - 10:01 21/05/03
Chartered Status mikew - 11:43 22/05/03
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