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Issue 7; 7 May 1999
by Andy White at 12:20 15/03/00 ( Shout99 Newsletter)
Campaign | Engineerjob.com

Many thanks to the 2007 of you who agreed to fund the start up of the Campaign. I have now republished the Campaign web site and details of how to join can be found at http://www.pcgroup.org.uk/join

To the others on this mailing list I would also invite you to join. We can make a difference. As a result of you all writing to your MP and helped by a brief from David Ramsden (Director of the IR35 Campaign), John Whittingdale the Conservative front bench Spokesman on Treasury, raised IR35 in Parliament for the first time on 4th May. 1999;

"I have mentioned measures that have received publicity and are causing concern, but which do not appear in the Bill. One other measure, which may have provoked more letters from my constituents and those of my hon. Friends than almost any other, is not mentioned in the Bill at all. It was referred to in the press release accompanying the Budget documents--IR 35--which announces the Government's intention to deal with personal service companies. In certain professions, people choose to incorporate themselves as a personal service company and to undertake contracts of perhaps three or six months on behalf of companies. The change in the tax treatment of those people is causing a great deal of concern. Professionals in the IT industry, in large part, choose to form themselves into personal companies, and gain a tax advantage in terms of their equipment and training expenses. I understand that the Government are anxious to close loopholes and crack down on tax avoidance, but I do not regard that as an example of tax abuse.

The importance of IT professionals to the economy is considerable, especially now that we are wrestling with the possible problems of the millennium bug and the Y2K issue. I would have thought that the Government would be anxious to encourage IT professionals rather than to disadvantage them through tax changes. The measure is provoking enormous concern, and I am sure that almost every hon. Member will have received, or will receive, letters from people in the industry. I understand that the measure will come into effect at the beginning of the next financial year. It is not mentioned in the Bill, however, and I understand that the Government do not intend to legislate until they introduce next year's Finance Bill. It is worrying that the implementing legislation will not come before the House until after the measure has come into effect"

For full text go to http://www.parliament.the-stationery-office.co.uk/cgi-bin/tso_fx?DB=tso and enter IR 35 (thanks to Cliff Grover for the link)


As the site has now grown to over 60 pages I have added a site map to aid navigation. Some of you have had trouble seeing new additions to the web site. Make sure your use the reload/refresh button on your browser as you may be served an old version from your browser cache.

To those Contractors who contributed in the early stages I am willing to transfer your monies across to the Campaign site if you join up. Complete the online form and post evidence of your previous payment together with payment for any shortfall to the address provided. If you were issued with an invoice engineerjob.com will issue a credit note in due course.

Kind regards

Andy White

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