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Call for Minister for Self-Employment
by Susie Hughes at 09:39 18/09/14 (News on Business)
The continuing move towards self-employment has led to a call for a dedicated Minister with responsibility for this growing sector.
The latest Office of National Statistics labour market figures (released today, September 18) show a record number of people are choosing self-employment, with a further 225,000 people choosing full-time self-employment between May and July of this year.

Following this latest rise, the association of Independent Professionals and Self Employed (IPSE), has called for a Minister for Self-Employment to be appointed to ensure the needs of that flexible workforce are recognised and understood in Whitehall.

This echoes a call made earlier this week in a report from Labour's Finance and Industry Group, authored by campaigning freelancer Philip Ross. The third of his four recommendations was a call for a Government Minister with responsibility for freelancers.

The LFIG report said: "The importance of freelancers should therefore be recognised by a Minister within Government with specific responsibility for ensuring that the needs of freelancers are addressed."

Chris Bryce, Chief Executive of IPSE, said: "The UK's self-employed army is growing by the day and on current trends will outnumber those working in the public sector by the end of 2015. Whitehall simply must look after the interests of these people. Unfortunately, the traditional Government view of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) simply doesn't work for independent professionals.

"It is crucial that a dedicated Minister for Self-Employment who will champion this sector is appointed within the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills.

"Such a Minister would be responsible for everything affecting Britain's smallest businesses, from flexible work-spaces which provide independent professionals with a place to work and collaborate with others, to promoting this way of working to young people as a viable career option."

The trade group has also called upon the ONS to analyse self-employment more thoroughly so the importance of different forms of work can be properly understood. Mr Bryce said: "Given the sheer number of people now working for themselves, the ONS needs to begin collecting more specific data so we can truly understand the sub-sets of self-employed workers which now exist.

"Some of our most important emerging industries, such as digital technology, rely on independent professionals, to provide growth. It is vitally important that they are fully represented in official statistics."

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Susie Hughes © Shout99 2014

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