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They can tax me, but the moral high ground is mine
Susie Hughes [Viewpoint] 17:29 04/12/12 | Comments: 60
Since when has the Government of this country felt able to abrogate their responsibilities as law-makers and pass it to the moral judgement of the individuals?
So who or what is morally repugnant aggressive tax avoidance?
Susie Hughes [Viewpoint] 13:01 27/04/12 | Comments: 10
A few years ago, I wrote an article about how Labour, or possibly the Treasury and the Inland Revenue had subtly switched the definition of 'tax avoidance' in the hearts and minds of the British public.
Why doesn't Mr Brown like small firms?
Susie Hughes [Viewpoint] 13:22 27/03/07 | Comments: 63
Anyone running a small business must be wondering what they've done to upset the Chancellor. If there was a league table for the winners and losers from the Budget, they would certainly be somewhere in the lower regions of the Vauxhall Conference League.
MSCs: Two wrongs don't make a right
Susie Hughes [Viewpoint] 11:54 15/03/07 | Comments: 56
The respected professional bodies, including the Institute of Chartered Accountants, have been united in their condemnation of the Government's approach to MSCs.
MSCs: Using a sledge hammer to miss the nut?
Susie Hughes [Viewpoint] 09:54 30/01/07 | Comments: 24
The Government's attempt to crack down on Managed Service Companies (MSCs) has been the subject of much debate and discussion - but will they actually achieve what they want - and what is it that they do want?
What do you want from an agency?
The Editor [Viewpoint] 08:46 16/06/06 | Comments: 92
Do agencies understand what contractors want from them? Here's your chance to put your views directly to the directors of recruitment companies.
Freelancer: A business or a vulnerable temp?
Susie Hughes [Viewpoint] 08:30 19/10/05 | Comments: 9
Two UK representative bodies are fighting to convince the Government that agency workers are two completely different sets of people.
It's not you, it's SME!
The Editor [Viewpoint] 12:18 11/04/05 | Comments: 18
Philip Ross, founder of the Labour Small Business Forum and member of Shout99 network, argues why Labour must not lose sight of the electoral importance of small and medium sized businesses.
General Election: Will small businesses make a difference?
Susie Hughes [Viewpoint] 12:45 25/03/05 | Comments: 135
There is an average of 6,000 small businesses in every constituency. As a General Election looms, will they make a difference?
Can a consultant be a real business?
Susie Hughes [Viewpoint] 08:30 28/02/05 | Comments: 32
The world of small businesses was dealt two legal blows last year when the courts supported the views of the Inland Revenue on two controversial pieces of legislation that affect owner-managed companies.
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